Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'd gladly pay on Saturday for a rental car I could drive today.....

Hello people.... (sounds so impersonal) Hi Friends.... (still rather dry) Thanks for stopping by.... (I've already let fame get to my head) Good afternoon to my very first visitors.....(still not completely satisfied, will have to do).. (and what a good one it will be AFTER I take a nap). So this might take me some probable time getting used to. So many things to consider, so many ideas to be had. It's beginning from the beginning. Lying a foundation reminds me of being back in grade 1 when all you had was chalk, erasers to clap at recess, saddle shoes (really mom?!), and a best friend who sat next to you and ate glue the whole day (Jeffrey!). Nonetheless, starting from square 1 can be exciting and although my first reaction is "don't I have enough to worry about at this point"...it's almost one of those things where you tell yourself to just hush hush and don't think of it as a chore, but some good ol' fashioned brain stimulation. There will be no rules, no time restraints (UH oh, you early risers), NOTHING..... "Virginia" will simply act as a little metaphor for the life of me...(and who the hell am I???), what I'm feeling RIGHT at that critical second, and perhaps some good quality bitching from time to time. Feel free to chime in, don't' ever hold back the criticism and NEVER hold all questions to the end. This sounds like the introduction I use for the crotch job...(Oh boy, we'll get into that a little later). Before I continue: (where most sites would write "The legal stuff", in a cute but overly abused so not so cute anymore, manner.)
  • In no way shape (or blog) am I advocating products, names, people, etc...therefore, should you interpret such shenanigans, please know I'm NOT intentionally doing this.
  • I'm not trying to offend, discriminate against, hurt, blame, anyone in anyway. If you are sensitive, please know I am from the North where we seem to be quite blunt, Type A, aggressive (I've even been called Ass-holish before) and perhaps this isn't the blog for you. Whereas, if you feel threatened let me know and I'll do what I can to delete the info. which offended you...maybe.
Ultimately, I hope to offer nothing but complete sincerity mixed with a little unique charm. You know, another option to get those juices flowing (but for FREE!!!). Alas, please let me thank my cousin Nate who inspired the extra push after his recent visit to THE BEACH! Nonetheless, I'm not trying to pull a Julie/Julia here (for lack of a better example)....and certainly NOT trying to make it RICH by any means...because really..what does that word mean afterall???? I'm RICH, I want to be RICH, Maybe I already am RICH and I don't even know it! Every time I post, I hope to offer a little perspective on life which each "reader" will be able to take a little baby seed to sow and incorporate it into their own little tree of life.....(OK, enough with the psychological stuff)... One advantage of "Blog": lack of interruption...REMARKABLE! I leave you with this: Go back to doing what you were doing before this and enjoy yourself. My tip for your day (Other than NOT eating any snow that is a color other than "white"): Try not to be a slave to the clock. Try going a good portion of the day without worrying about the blessed time.Half of what people do is driven by the clock. How many of us have said "Wow, it's 2:30 pm, I'm hungry"..or "wow, it's 9 pm...I'm tired"..etc. Society is slaved over that circular thing numbered 1-12...and WHY????? Some suggestions... Drink some bubbly, go for a run, go for a walk, walk a friend, walk someone else's friend, go Good-will hunting, recite all the lines from ELF, recite all the lines from ELF on your facebook status, wrap some fake presents, hold a blow dryer out your car window at lunch (if you have a car) in a busy spot and see how many people slow down (an oldie, but good one). On that note: It's a crisp 12:44 in the pm and I'm hitting the nap sac. And I'm OK with that!

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