Monday, January 31, 2011

A wonderful world of catching up...

So not only have I been MIA, I've been fighting with a schedule of touring my own town, filling in the days off with chores, and working profusely! BLA! I mean, who REALLY wants to work that much??? Not ME! BUT with the absence of an automobile (still?! I know....lame!!!) and many endeavors on the horizon....well, I am prospecting needing lots of that stuff called dough.
Why is it though that I feel as though I can never start off fresh? as in on a new slate?? I wish I could just catch up with myself BEFORE a new burden or huge chunck of something was to require my undivided attention!!! It seems if I could give at least 100%, I would be much more successful with accomplishing the task at hand!!!
I wonder if other people experience the same thing? I'm sure they do.
Whereas, I'm sure adding other factors into the equation (children, chores, being married, etc....) makes it even more difficult. I couldn't imagine! I certainly have nothing THAT bad to complain about, but I do recognize the menial variables that seem to cramp the day to day flow.
Nontheless, something to ponder.
On a happy note, the weather is turning around  ...with the last two days teasing spring in at a mere 65 degrees....One day I was outside, the other I was not...doing that work thing I was talking about earlier. Either way: I smell summer bliss!
I also plan on looking into another Master's program at a few local schools. When I'm not in school (or maybe this is simply psychological) I feel like I am not being stimulated enough.
In the meanwhile....enjoy the week and eat something healthy you normally wouldn't eat.....!!!

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